My name is Jennifer, and yes I have an addictive personality. I go through these phases in life where I get completely consumed in things. I mean, let's face it. I'm totally addicted to chapstick/lip balm...although I'm doing better about it and don't feel completely lost if I leave the house without it. But my biggest problem is throwing parties. We're not talking parties at the typical jumpy places. I'm talking about the ones that I obsess over for an entire year to make sure I have all the details worked out. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING has to fit the theme. So far this year, I've done a drive-in movie party for Cullen's 4th birthday (complete with box cars for each kid to sit in), a Jimmy Buffett Beach Bash for my 30th birthday, and LEGO building party for my 9year old. And, I still have our annual chili cook-off and Christmas parties to do! Oh, and did I mention that I've already started the planning process for next year's parties?
So, with that addictive personality shines my borderline OCD. It's not full blown....yet. Hahaha. My poor hubs. But, he's used to it by now. And what is the mastermind behind all of this obsessive personality? Oh, just a little site called
PINTEREST. Maybe you've heard of it? Hehe. Chances are, that's how you found me. I'm right, aren't I? I joined pinterest just over a year ago. It took a little time to get used to it and figure out what it was all about. And then the pinning began....and kept going....and well, hasn't really stopped since. My favorite things to pin are recipes and craft ideas, and yes, I do make a lot of the things I've pinned.
I found this....and fell in love.
Mini Mudroom
My entry closet was the perfect place for a mudroom (although we go through the garage door most of the time). But, it completely opened up my entry and gave purpose to the coat closet that was packed full of coats, wrapping paper, and board games. Here's my version...
AFTER... |
With storage baskets underneath... |
And, I've been inspired to redo my kids' closet...
It's absolutely amazing how much more room you have, just by changing the direction the clothes hang. Remember all of those board games from the coat closet? Well, they ended up in this closet because there was room to spare! And I should also mention that my boys (ages 4 & 9) share this closet and they have TONS of clothes. Here's part of their room...
before |
after |
These changes led to some upgrading in the bathroom....
The baskets on the wall were an inspiration from pinterest as well. They were part of a set that I used in mudroom. I purchased them at Lowe's for $3/set of 3....amazing right? They were originally a sea foam green color, but a can a spray paint fixed them right up!
And recently, I decided that the bathroom still wasn't finished. That's when I found this...
bead board bathroom
And I had to change this...
before....the original shower curtain in the in basket pic above with the brown damask. I loved the pattern, but it was a cheapo curtain) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
And turn it into this....

Do you see a pattern here? Oh, and the bathroom is not finished yet. At some point I will repaint the cabinets and change out the hardware, but another time.
All of these renovations have sparked my creativity throughout my home, which is in play as we speak in my kitchen. This will be my biggest transformation thus far, and I am SO excited to share it with you. But, that will have to wait until another day. :)
So, thank you to Pinterest for getting those creative juices flowing and starting a new obsession to refinish old furniture. Just wait, you'll see what I mean.
From trash to one-of-a-kind treasure,